James Bond 007 Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 James Bond 007 cheats and walkthroughs

    James Bond 007 Cheats and Walkthroughs

Bonus Games

To play any of the sub-games at will, start a new game and enter your name as one of the following:
Name Game
BJACK Black Jack
BACCR Baccarat

Casino Secret

Go to the casino in Marricretch and play any one of the casino games. If you win about $17,000 the opponent will tell you that you are a high roller and the casino has paid for your visit. Return to the hotel and talk to the hotel manager (behind the desk.) He will give you the presidential key which you can use to open the locked door on the first floor.

Finding the M.A.R.B.L.E.

The first time you talk to Q (London, Bonds Headquarters) there is a man in a chair behind him. If you walk around the chair hitting A or B the chair will launch through the wall. Walk through the hole in the wall and you will get the M.A.R.B.L.E.

Getting the Pass in Kurdistan

Enter the house with the two big block things around it. If the man says "Good-day" it didnt work - you'll need something out of the list of supplies. If you get him to say something else get the ring from him, find the prisoner, and show him the ring. He will ask you to get some paper from the furthest house north. Return with the paper and he'll give you the pass.

Hidden Hammer

To get the hammer, go to the house on the left side of your screen when you start the game. Enter that house, go to the back bed and hit it.

Playing Tip

Asign BLOCK to either of the A or B buttons, and while you are looking for secret passages hold the BLOCK button. This will help you look for passages as you are moving about.

Secret Passage in Kurdistan

When you go to Kurdistan for the first time, go to the cave where Iqbal lives.Don't go into the cave, but go to the right side of the screen and start hitting the rock wall.you should find a secret passage.when you go through it there will be a man sitting down.talk to him and he will give you a jeweled egg.later,when you go to Marrakech you can trabe it for ann undergrouns pass!

Secret Passage in the Chinese Temple

When in the Chinese temple, go to the top room. When you are in there go to the middle of the right wall, then press A.

Surviving the Sahara

To survive the Sahara you must get the canteen from the man that is one screen north. Fill the canteen with water in the screen where you started. From there you go 3 screens south and then 4 screens east. Be careful! If you get hit by the scorpions more than twice, you will not make it to the air base.

The Key for the Safe

When you go into the secret passage in China, go to the corner where there is a dead end and push either the A or B buttons to get the key.

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James Bond 007 Walkthroughs and Cheats
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