Super Street Fighter 2 X Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Super Street Fighter 2 X cheats and walkthroughs

    Super Street Fighter 2 X Cheats and Walkthroughs

Play as Lin Lin

At the character selection screen, highlight Lei Lei, then hold L + R and press A.

Play as Anita

At the character selection screen, highlight Donavan, then hold L + R and press A.

Alternate Morrigan's form

At the character selection screen, highlight Morrigan, then hold L + R and press A to play as Morrigan in her bat form.

DIP switch menu

Successfully complete the game with all the characters, using their Super Turbo versions and the Super versions. This requires completing the game thirty two times. Once this accomplished, hold Y and press Start. This allows you to enter a DIP switch menu to tweak the game.

Ex options

Highlight the "Options" selection on the main screen, then hold L and press A.

Fight as Gouki/Akuma

Highlight Ryu press LP + MP + HP + Start at the character selection screen.

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Super Street Fighter 2 X Walkthroughs and Cheats
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