South Park Rally Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 South Park Rally cheats and walkthroughs

    South Park Rally Cheats and Walkthroughs

Race as Visitor

Collect the hidden pick-up above checkpoint one and the another pick-up that is between check point four and the wood bridge in the Memorial Day race.

Race as Tweak

Collect five caffeine pick-ups in the Spring Cleaning race.

Race as Ike

Collect the hidden pick-up on top of the airplane in the Memorial Day race.

Race as Jesus

Win the Christmas race.

Race as Marvin

Win the Thanksgiving race without collecting any turkeys.

Race as Mr. Garrison

Activate all four checkpoints on the Rally Days 2 race.

Race as Mr. Mackey

Win the Spring Cleaning race.

Race as Satan

Win the New Year's race.

Race as Pip

Only activate checkpoints one and four on the Rally Days 2 race.

Race as Mephisto

Win the Independence Day race.

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South Park Rally Walkthroughs and Cheats
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