Sega GT Homologation Special Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Sega GT Homologation Special cheats and walkthroughs

    Sega GT Homologation Special Cheats and Walkthroughs

Infinite money

This trick requires two VMUs. Save the game on both VMUs. Send the cars your acquired from one VMU to the other VMU. Load the game from the VMU with the extra cars. Sell the extra cars for easy money. Repeat as much as desired to have an unlimited amount of money.

WSK Races

Successfully complete each of the official races and event races to unlock the first ending sequence and WSK Races. The WSK Races are the Front Drive Car Cup, Rear Drive Car Cup and 4 Wheel Drive Car Cup.

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Sega GT Homologation Special Walkthroughs and Cheats
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