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 MDK 2 cheats and walkthroughs

    MDK 2 Cheats and Walkthroughs

Slow Motion

When using Max, hold the Fire key and press the Equip Up key 4 times.

More Codes

Code Result
mdkNewGame(1,12) Jump to Level 1
mdkNewGame(2,12) Jump to Level 2
mdkNewGame(3,12) Jump to Level 3
mdkNewGame(4,12) Jump to Level 4
mdkNewGame(5,11) Jump to Level 5
mdkNewGame(6,8) Jump to Level 6
mdkNewGame(7,11) Jump to Level 7
mdkNewGame(8,8) Jump to Level 8
mdkNewGame(9,13) Jump to Level 9
mdkNewGame(10,7) Jump to Level 10 (Final)
mdkNewGame(11,1) Jump to Level 10 #1 (Special)
mdkNewGame(12,1) Jump to Level 10 #2 (Special)
GodDebugToggle() God Mode on/off

God Mode

In-game you can press '~' and enter the following string after the 'Omen' prompt to get full invulnerability:


Looks like the programming language? Yeah - this is trick for the internal game scripting system. But please note that this code must be re-entered periodically because the game doesn't store previous mode while map block change (block changing can be determined if your HDD reads something heavy and the game slowdowns for a while, or just see what you now is not invlunerable and your health value is decreasing). Hopefully you do not have to re-enter this long code - you can just bring console ('~' key) and then press Up-arrow key to get previous command form history.

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MDK 2 Walkthroughs and Cheats
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