3D Ultra RC Racers Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 3D Ultra RC Racers cheats and walkthroughs

    3D Ultra RC Racers Cheats and Walkthroughs

Money Cheat Instructions

Unlike the other cheat codes, your name must be "i cheat" and MONEY must be entered while you are in the Upgrade menu

Cheat codes

To use these cheat codes, type them in during a race (except the MONEY code, which must be typed while in the Upgrade menu). If you pause the game by hitting P, you can type in the cheats while the game is paused. Typing SLIPPERY, of course, will unpause and then pause the game again, so try to type it fast. Another good time to enter a code is after the loading screen, just before the track announcer shouts, "Go!"

bouncy-Extra springy vehicles and track boundaries
ghost-All "ghosted" vehicles (no collisions)
heavy-Increased gravity
hitme-Aggressive computer drivers
moon-Reduced gravity
money-$200 - See instructions below
sticky-Increased traction for all cars
slippery-Loss of traction, like driving on ice
turbo-Double your normal car speed
war-Unlimited Bottle Rockets for everyone

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3D Ultra RC Racers Walkthroughs and Cheats
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